What is special about the Vata body type?

What is special about the Vata body type?

Looks of a vata person

Vata dosha emerges from the space and the air element. Thus, a vata dominant body possesses the breezy nature of the air as well as the subtlety of space. These qualities reflect in both the physical and psychological aspects of a vata dominant body. Let us see the unique features of a vata body type.

How does a vata person look?

Each body type provides a distinct look and personality. Vata dosha contributes to its dryness, coolness, lightness, etc. to the body. And here is what you can expect in a vata dominant body.

The Vata Body Size

Air dominates the vata dosha. That's why randomness and mobility characterize a vata dominant system.

This vata randomness results in an uneven metabolic pattern. Therefore, a vata person may either be too tall or too short. 

Too Short

Vata dominant people tend to be short because the vata element tends to dry the bone growth tips faster than other body types. And therefore, the bones stop growing in length. Even if they grow, they may not grow at a very high rate.

This is a normal tendency for height in a vata dominant body. However, it is not a rule. There are multiple factors – environmental factors, nutrition, exercise, stress, and many more. All these factors come together to produce the final height of an individual.

For example –

A few decades back, the average height of the Oriental population, esp. Chinese, Japanese was approx. 5 ft or less. Most scientists attributed this height to genetic influence.

However, today the average height of Chinese, Japanese, and other fast-developing eastern countries has increased significantly. During world war II, the average height of a Japanese soldier was close to 5.3 1/2 inches. Today, the average height of a normal Japanese male is 5.8 ¼ inches, with an exceptional increase of 4 inches.

A similar trend prevails in the South Korean population. According to 1978 statistics, Korean children were even shorter than the Japanese. But, they are the tallest population in Asia!

Scientists attribute these developments to better nutritional intake, esp. heavy protein diet, and dairy products.

So, a vata person also may develop an excellent height. On the other hand, a malnourished kapha person may end up with abnormally short height. 

Too Tall

Sometimes, the vata system pushes up the rate of metabolism and speeds up the overall growth rate. Under such conditions, the person may experience a rapid increase in height. But often, this height increase comes at a cost of weight. So, she may appear abnormally taller and thinner.

The Vata Body Structure

The vata dosha may bring shriveling dryness to the body. Therefore, a vata person may be thin and lean. However, this is a metabolic tendency. The final body structure of a person depends on the above-mentioned factors.

The vata people normally do not gain a lot of weight. Therefore, they have pronounced bony structures like the joints, collar bone, etc. Normally, they do not have a thick coat of muscles to hide their bones and joints. 

If a vata dominant person consumes a well-balanced vata balancing diet, she may develop a well-built body. Therefore, if you come across a thin and lean person, she can be a starved kapha dominant person, or a pitta person suffering from anorexia too.

The Vata Face

A vata face is normally thin with high cheekbones.

The eyes may be small and slant in shape. However, this statement does not mean that all Chinese people are vata dominant! It has a relative significance. It means that a Chinese person with an extra-normal slant in her eyes is vata dominant.

A vata dominant person tends to have a crooked or abnormally shaped nose. This nose is also a result of vata random activity during the fetus's development. However, a vata dominant person may have a beautiful nose in case of a dual dosha combination – for example, vata kapha prakrati.

The lips may be thin and blackish. This statement also has a contextual significance. A healthy vata person, with a balanced vata dosha, can have soft pink lips. But the blackish skin tone resulting from frequent use of chemicals (in lipsticks etc.) or smoking is more pronounced in a vata person.

The vata dominant person may also have extra-large ears.

The Vata Skin

The vata skin has a strong tendency towards roughness and dryness. It is normally thin and may have scanty hair. The coolness of vata dosha brings a cool touch to the vata skin.

A vata person is also highly prone to dark circles, blackish lips, and skin tone.

The reason is – vata dosha dries up the blood supply. When imbalanced, it may also constrict the peripheral blood vessels. Peripheral blood supply provides nourishment to the skin and hair. In absence of proper blood supply, the skin turns blackish and develops aging signs like wrinkles.

Skin towards the extremities can be extremely dry and may require extensive care. Regular massage with warm oils helps to ensure better blood circulation and healthier vata skin.

The Vata Hair

Vata dryness and roughness affect the hair as well. The vata hair has a strong tendency towards dryness and roughness. It is highly prone to split ends, scalp infections, dandruff, rapid hair fall, balding.

The imbalanced vata dosha acts on the hair roots and dries up the scalp's nutritional supply. The scalp is the soil for hair roots. As hair roots do not get ample nutrition, it dries off.

The bottom line is that vata hair requires a lot of care and precaution. With good care and a balanced vata dosha, a vata dominant person may develop Rapunzel hair too!

Take Away

Dry, cool, light, and random vata dosha frames a similar personality. The random vata activity reflects in the uneven facial features; thin, cool, and dryish skin and hair. Both vata skin and hair are delicate and need a lot of care.

However, a vata body can flower beautifully with constant care. In the coming blogs, watch out for more information on vata metabolism and how you can help your vata body to stay balanced.

I hope this blog series on the Ayurvedic constitution helps you experience Ayurvedic wisdom through implementation.

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